Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yummy, yummy, yum Indian Fritters

Me, Addie, and Daphne made delicious fritters today. First we ground up the oatmeal and grits. Then we had to clean up the mess Pip made. Then we cooked it. They were yummy!

-- SMJ

(Note: the fritters were cooked by Mama, in case anyone was worried about children fooling around with hot oil -- SLJ)


  1. No, I was just worried about cooking the mess that Pip made. :)

  2. What was the mess Pip made? I would have thought that grinding up oats, etc. would make a mess.

  3. Someone's in the Kitchen With Dinah,
    Someone's in the Kitchen I know-o-o-o.....

    Aha, it's Addie, Stuart and Daphne!
    Must be Pip was there too, making messes.

    Love, Nana XOXO
