Monday, November 30, 2009

No, Hilton, You Can't!

A photo story by Addie, starring Hilton the Bear.

No, Hilton! You can't play the computer!

No, Hilton! You can't sit in the exersaucer!

No, Hilton! You can't drink milk!

No, Hilton! You can't take a bath!

No, Hilton! You can't play the piano!

No, Hilton! You can't sleep in the bed!

Yes, Hilton! You can sit on Daddy's lap.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Surprise! Mrs. Deidre is pregnant! [I hope this won't make her cry.]

Mama says pregnant women cry a lot.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

My little world

I have a bunk-bed,and on the top 1,I have ...MY OWN LITTLE WORLD!I've got paper& a pencil up there,& a idea book, so... I'm all set!